Yes, SPI stands for Statefull Packet Inspection. Wasn't aware IPFW was a
SPI Firewall, always thought IPFilter was much better. I used to run
iptables on Linux and tried IPFilter (which is very good imho). IPFW
pages aren't that explicit or I didn't looked at the right place.

Any of you can point me some nice pages to learn more about it ?


-----Message d'origine-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Daniel C.
Envoyé : lundi 10 février 2003 13:46
À : Coercitas Temet'Nosce
Objet : Re: RE : IPFilter

Coercitas Temet'Nosce wrote:
> Pardon my poor knowledge about IPFW 2 but if I remember well, IPFW
> wasn't a SPI Firewall, which is what I need. Btw, previous Kernel
> us to fine tune its building for IPF and now, it simply gone...was
> really wondering where those features are.

What, exactly, is a 'SPI' firewall? If you mean stateful firewall, you 
haven't looking into ipfw for at least five years (making your remark 
obsolete, not ipfw :).

The only thing I couldn't do with the old ipfw was atomic replacement of

rules. With ipfw2 I can do that. ipfw2 is default on 5.0 and can be 
turned on on 4.7 (options IPFW2 on kernel and WITH_IPFW2, iirc, on 
make.conf). The '2' is the version, the binary, man pages etc still have

all the same names.

> Is there any web place where I can find stuff about IPFW2 by chance ?
> regards
> -----Message d'origine-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] De la part de Don
> Envoyé : dimanche 9 février 2003 19:47
> À : Coercitas Temet'Nosce
> Objet : Re: TR : IPFilter
>>Btw, I was looking for some docs on the FreeBSD website and didn't
> found
>>anything interesting, only firewall that FreeBSD seems to support
>>is the old IPFW, which is quite obsolete now imo. Why are
> documentation
>>pages not dealing with IPF at all ? is there any reason ?
> Try ipfw2
> -Don
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Daniel C. Sobral                   (8-DCS)
Gerencia de Operacoes
Divisao de Comunicacao de Dados
Coordenacao de Seguranca
Fones: 55-61-313-7654/Cel: 55-61-9618-0904


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