syslog(3) botches things if you pass it a string that has "%%m" in it.
this should fix it, any comments?

Index: syslog.c
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/lib/libc/gen/syslog.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28 syslog.c
--- syslog.c    14 Nov 2002 12:40:14 -0000      1.28
+++ syslog.c    8 Feb 2003 21:08:09 -0000
@@ -190,12 +190,18 @@
                /* Substitute error message for %m. */
-               for ( ; (ch = *fmt); ++fmt)
+               for ( ; (ch = *fmt); ++fmt) {
                        if (ch == '%' && fmt[1] == 'm') {
                                fputs(strerror(saved_errno), fmt_fp);
-                       } else
+                       } else if (ch == '%' && fmt[1] == '%') {
+                               ++fmt;
+                               fputc(ch, fmt_fp);
+                               fputc(ch, fmt_fp);
+                       } else {
                                fputc(ch, fmt_fp);
+                       }
+               }
                /* Null terminate if room */
                fputc(0, fmt_fp);

-Alfred Perlstein [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
'Instead of asking why a piece of software is using "1970s technology,"
 start asking why software is ignoring 30 years of accumulated wisdom.'

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