On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 06:35:40PM +0200, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> The first (confirmed to work) cross-release!
> Finally, I've been able to build an i386 snapshot on Alpha,
> and make sure it works!
> There's still one issue to be resolved for "i386 on alpha"
> cross-releases: btxld(8) produces a binary image different
> from when it's run natively; I will look into this ASAP.
> (I had to take the produced by the Alpha box loader.bin
> from ${.OBJDIR} and pass it to btxld(8) on an i386 box,
> and then back to Alpha, to produce a working loader(8)
> (for kern.flp and "base" distribution).
I've just fixed this one by patching btxld(8).

Ruslan Ermilov          Sysadmin and DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251        Simferopol, Ukraine

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