* De: Mike Barcroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [ Data: 2003-01-31 ]
        [ Subjecte: Re: State of the Union Report (backout request department) ]
> The archives might not be telling the whole story.  A lot of times
> these things get handled behind closed doors, whether private e-mail
> or developer-only lists.  Thankfully though, most conflicts *do* get
> resolved. :)

Might be nice if we had an internal trouble ticket system for things like
this, TODOs that are high priority, and pending MFCs.  I got the impression
NetBSD does something like this for branch pullups that are needed?
Then there's a clearer qudit trail, and it's easier to find out if things
have "not been honoured".  And to keep other sorts of things from falling

Juli Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
AIM: BSDFlata -- IRC: juli on EFnet
OpenDarwin, Mono, FreeBSD Developer
ircd-hybrid Developer, EFnet addict
FreeBSD on MIPS-Anything on FreeBSD

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