On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 11:53:24AM +0100, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> Cisco is offering a VPN client for Linux. I wonder if it would be possible
> to run this under FreeBSD. An extra linux kernel module is being built.
> Is this already the 'ruled out'?

That's just it. FreeBSD can run Linux userland applications really
well... compatibility within the kernel is a cow of another color. To
do /some/ of the things the standard Cisco VPN client does, it would
need to be a kernel module. To do /a lot/ of what it does, including
just a basic IPsec implementation, it could all run in userland.

I doubt that they will break things up that way. But if enough people
ask, Cisco will make a client for FreeBSD. Or they might be willing to
open up their protocol so that third parties can build their own

> If this won't work, I'm afraid I will have to set a dedicated redhat 6.x/7.x
> beside my FreeBSD gateway. Would it be possible to use NAT to
> extend the VPN (I only have one dedicated fixed IP on the gateway).

Cisco VPN clients do work behind NAT (provided the NAT gateway can
deal with the traffic).
Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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