I am currently letting FlexeLint loose on the kernel again, and I have
turned my attention to a new warning from it:

                return (err);
../../../dev/usb/usb_subr.c  604  Warning 548: else expected

Initally I ignored these warnings because the couple of them which
I looked at were actually ok, but now that I looked through all of
them I uncovered a couple of bugs which all follow the same pattern,
which I think I can best illustrate by quoting a randomly chosen

        #ifdef USB_DEBUG
        #define DPRINTF(x)      if (usbdebug) logprintf x
        #define DPRINTFN(n,x)   if (usbdebug>(n)) logprintf x
        extern int usbdebug;
        #define DPRINTF(x)
        #define DPRINTFN(n,x)

        if (index == USB_UNCONFIG_INDEX) {
                /* We are unconfiguring the device, so leave unallocated. */
                DPRINTF(("usbd_set_config_index: set config 0\n"));
                err = usbd_set_config(dev, USB_UNCONFIG_NO);
                if (err)
                        DPRINTF(("usbd_set_config_index: setting config=0 "
                                 "failed, error=%s\n", usbd_errstr(err)));
                return (err);

Please be more careful.

Here are the places this warning occurs in GENERIC:

../../../dev/amr/amr_cam.c  566  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/amr/amr_cam.c  629  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/amr/amr.c  515  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/em/if_em_hw.c  2166  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/em/if_em_hw.c  2237  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/usb/ums.c  594  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/usb/usb_subr.c  604  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/usb/usbdi.c  974  Warning 548: else expected
../../../dev/usb/usbdi.c  1034  Warning 548: else expected
../../../kern/kern_switch.c  448  Warning 548: else expected

Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.

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