On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 10:20:52PM -0800, Juli Mallett wrote:
> > 
> > Your proposal affects FreeBSD. I'm having a constructive discussion
> > about your proposal because I like to understand your point of
> > view and tell you mine. Childish behaviour does not impress me.
> > In fact it only tells me that you're incapable of convincing me
> > and that you're incapable of looking at it from my point of view
> > and tell me where I'm missing something. No, you're fixated and
> > it took a lot of effort from my end to get to a point where we
> > understood each other. If you're tired of it, try an open mind
> > next time.
> No Marcel, I've been through your discussion already, with myself,
> when I first did this.

Then my point of view must have triggered recognition. It didn't.

> I came up with the optimal way of doing it
> in my head, and considered all the possibilities.

Great! Then you should have had no problem convincing me.

> I don't have the energy to go
> nowhere with you for a long time.

That's not my fault.

> I already went nowhere with me
> for a long time.

Yeah, my bad ;-)

> Sorry if you find it childish to want to move on from that sort
> of rehashing.

No, I find it childish that you revert to childish arguments when
you could have said that you've gone over this before already
with multiple people and that this was intended as a formality
only and that you didn't want to rehash it. In fact, you could
just as well have committed this :-)

> I'm sorry if that was how it seemed...  And yes, I am incapable
> of convincing you, for now.  Maybe if you spent the time on
> this problem I did, I could, or maybe if you had to deal with
> it, I could.

I have no problem accepting this. Maybe if I spend as much time
on it as you apparently did I would have come to the same
conclusion as you. It's possible that my point of view is the
direct result of not having thought it through.  The point is
that I didn't spend the time and that I have in my head this
notion that it makes sense in some other way. I think I did
my best to get us in line in an attempt to find mutual
understanding. I don't feel responsible for you perceiving it
as bikeshedding. If it was, please tell me next time when I
do it again.

 Marcel Moolenaar         USPA: A-39004          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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