
This one was easier than getting the on-board LAN to work.
Judging from the Asus online product specifications the same audio hardware
seems to be present also on the non-Deluxe version; the other unknown PCI
device id in audio class seems not to work with the AC97 drivers so I assume
that it is the much-touted APU.

With this patch the on-board AC97 audio controller and Realtek Semiconductor
ALC650 CODEC work as far as I can test; tested with headphones in line-out
and playing two albums of MP3 audio with mpg123.

dmesg extracts, boot -v:
pcm0: <Nvidia nForce2 AC97 controller> port 0xd400-0xd47f,0xd000-0xd0ff mem 
0xc9080000-0xc9080fff irq 11 at device 6.0 on pci0
pcm0: ac97 codec id 0x414c4720 (Realtek Semiconductor ALC650)
pcm0: ac97 codec features 20 bit DAC, 18 bit ADC, 5 bit master volume, Realtek 3D 
Stereo Enhancement
pcm0: ac97 primary codec extended features variable rate PCM, double rate PCM, 
reserved 1, center DAC, surround DAC, LFE DAC, reserved 4
pcm0: sndbuf_setmap 7b5000, 4000; 0xe0b97000 -> 7b5000
pcm0: sndbuf_setmap 7b9000, 4000; 0xe0b9b000 -> 7b9000
pcm0: measured ac97 link rate at 47999 Hz, will use 48000 Hz

The only noticeable error I heard while playing the MP3s was a slight
but audible pop after mpg123 starts playing; this might be something in
the mixer control code. Anyway, it's just cosmetic, didn't bother me
with headphones at normal playing volume.


All opinions expressed above are mine alone and do not express the views
of my employer or any other organizations that I am affiliated with.
Index: sys/dev/sound/pcm/ac97.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/freebsd/src/sys/dev/sound/pcm/ac97.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28 ac97.c
--- sys/dev/sound/pcm/ac97.c    26 Nov 2002 18:16:26 -0000      1.28
+++ sys/dev/sound/pcm/ac97.c    12 Jan 2003 23:43:23 -0000
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
        { 0x414b4d01, 1, "Asahi Kasei AK4542" },
        { 0x414b4d02, 1, "Asahi Kasei AK4543" },
        { 0x414c4710, 0, "Avance Logic ALC200/200P" },
+       { 0x414c4720, 0, "Realtek Semiconductor ALC650" },
        { 0x43525900, 0, "Cirrus Logic CS4297" },
        { 0x43525903, 0, "Cirrus Logic CS4297" },
        { 0x43525913, 0, "Cirrus Logic CS4297A" },
Index: sys/dev/sound/pci/ich.c
RCS file: /data/cvs/freebsd/src/sys/dev/sound/pci/ich.c,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 ich.c
--- sys/dev/sound/pci/ich.c     19 Aug 2002 16:03:56 -0000      1.24
+++ sys/dev/sound/pci/ich.c     12 Jan 2003 23:43:04 -0000
@@ -628,6 +628,10 @@
                device_set_desc(dev, "Nvidia nForce AC97 controller");
                return 0;
+       case 0x006a10de:
+               device_set_desc(dev, "Nvidia nForce2 AC97 controller");
+               return 0;
                return ENXIO;

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