On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Daniel C. Sobral wrote: > Peter, reverting the revisions below *does* fix the problem. Tim has an > alternative patch, though. At any rate, it seems kbyanc's solution was > overly simplistic. But things are broken either way, and I'm not sure > Tim's patch doesn't result in the kind of situation rev 1.134 tried to > fix, nor if his patch actually gets all cases of the bug that results > from 1.134. > > At any rate, I think that not receiving any event (after 1.134) is worse > than receiving and event claim to have more bytes than are actually > available (pre 1.134). It's not just Juli who have this problem. > AilleCat, for instance, once she heard on irc that kq had a problem, > tracked the problem *she* was having to the same place. >
Yes, this is correct, some events weren't being triggered and now, with reverting back (with some of the current changes like the aesthetic change to soo_kqfilter instead of sokqfilter,) now our application that relies upon kqueue for scheduling runs about twice as fast.... Maxim gave me a patch that accomplishes exactly what I did by hand... but it also leaves it in a state that it was before 1.134 where there were some problems that were supposed to be fixed in 1.134 and after... however IMO its *less* broken :) Anyway, since my understanding of this is much less than anyone else I'm inclined to go with whatever solution actually makes the events trigger for us :) I'm not a kernel programmer, nor will I ever be, I just know that reverting uipc_socket.c did solve some major problems I was having :) -Trish -- Trish Lynch [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ecartis Core Team [EMAIL PROTECTED] EFNet IRC Operator @ efnet.demon.co.uk AilleCat@EFNet Key fingerprint = C44E 8E63 6E3C 18BD 608F E004 9DC7 C2E9 0E24 DFBD To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message