On Sat, Jan 11, 2003 at 02:16:45AM -0800, Lucky Green wrote:
> Miguel wrote:
> > Having no swap will prevent you from getting crashdumps in 
> > case of panic which, if you run 5.0, is not that unusual. 
> > Besides these days harddrives cost $1/GB, so why not setup 
> > the swap partition anyway?
> I don't want cleartext cryptographic keys to ever touch magnetic media,
> thus potentially opening the door to future forensic analysis.
> --Lucky, who thought that he once, many years ago, read that there was a
> kernel option one should set if you have no swap partition.

It seems like you can encrypt swap with GBDE, at least that's what one
item at http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.0R/todo.html says.
The manpage doesn't mention encrypting swap though.

- Christian

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