On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 11:13:34PM +1030, Daniel O'Connor wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-10 at 21:16, Dario Freni wrote:
> > Hi everybody. I'm a developer of the FreeSBIE project (just another
> > FreeBSD-on-a-live-cd project).
> > As default network configuration, we've reasonally chosen a dhcp
> > configuration, which is great on a dhcp network, but ugly when it has to
> > wait for timeout.
> > I also had the same problem with my mobile-pc, when it's not attached to
> > my LAN.
> > We could modify rc.network by adding a & to the dhclient row, but we are
> > looking for a more efficient way.
> > Can an optional flag be added (configurable in rc.conf)?
> You could use the timeout option in dhclient.conf..

I tried to send this privately, but got a bounce:

>From man dhclient:

       The client can also be instructed to become a daemon imme-
       diately,  rather  than waiting until it has acquired an IP
       address.   This can be done by supplying the -nw flag.

Oh, this belongs on -questions, by the way.

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