To those of you running the radeon.ko dri module from the ports
(ports/graphics/dri-devel) IF YOU'RE RUNNING CURRENT then you might want
to listen up.
I just did a rebuild of the system for the first time in about 6 days, and
my system rebooted immediately when XFree86 attempted loading the
radeon.ko.  I always rebuild and reinstall the modules when I do the
kernel, but I also always take extra care to copy the ports version of
radeon.ko over the one built/installed during the modules build, so I am
completely certain that I was using the one from the ports.  I reverified
that on reboot.

While I'm not totally certain it was the dri-devel, I rebuilt it again (it
used the same sources as before from ports, on the new kernel sources from
/usr/src/sys) and next time, used that to load.  Result this time was just
fine.  I did check, the module binary had changed size (gotten a bit
smaller).  I don't know for sure if that is from a change in the compiler
or a change in kernel sources (probably both).  I'd previously built the
dri-devel port with the gcc 3.2 compiler, it's in a new rev now.

The moral is, I think you need to rebuild/reinstall dri-devel if you're
running FreeBSD-current.

If anyone can either show I'm wrong, or verify my experience, if you'd
post your results you'd be doing everyone a favor.  I won't mind being
proven wrong.

Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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