At 4:15 PM +0100 12/15/02, Petr Holub wrote:

I tried to compile arla 0.35.11 on FreeBSD 5.0-RC1. First I got
following error:

checking for memcpy in kernel... yes
checking if vnode_if.h needs to be built... configure: error: unable to find any vnode_if script

So I have linked
-su-2.05b# ln -s /sys/i386/compile/EVENSTAR/vnode_if.h /usr/include/vnode_if.h

Then configre and make proceeds until it stops on error shown
below my signature. Can anybody help?
I believe arla needs to have some effort put into it to get it
working on -current.  I started looking into that about six to
eight months ago, but ran into a streak of bad luck trying to
do anything at all with -current, and eventually gave up.  That
wasn't arla's fault, I was just having a string of bad luck.

Now that I'm having much better luck with -current, I haven't had
the time to go back and look into arla.  Also, since that time
there has been a fair amount of progress with openafs support for
freebsd, and for my own purposes that would be an "easier sell" to
my managers anyway.  [not that I have openafs working on -current
either, but I do hope to get to that soon...]

When I was looking into this, I was talking with Andrea Campi about
some changes he had for arla on -current.  He was also very busy at
the time, but maybe he still has that around.  (I'm in the middle
of upgrading & shuffling my hardware around, and I think I lost my
copy of those arla changes in the process of that shuffling).

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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