On Thu, Dec 12, 2002 at 08:09:24AM -0200, Daniel C. Sobral wrote:
> I mean that routed is _one_ routing daemon, one that supports the old, 
> would someone please shot it in the head to give it peace, RIP. If you 
> happen to run a modern routing protocol... hell, if you happen to run a 
> middle-aged routing protocol, you'll be using something else.
> And, since you do not seem to be aware of it, Zebra, for one, is run as...
> router_enable="YES"
> router="/usr/local/sbin/zebractl"
> router_flags="start"
If you are using a daemon essential to network connectivity in /usr/local
and at the same time have it (/usr/local) mounted remotely, then you haven't
thought things through properly.

Listen, I think we're talking past each other here. I _am_ in favour of
adding routing to NETWORKING (look at an earlier email in the thread).
My only argument is that if an admin chooses to use a daemon
from ports then he should be bright enough to
include it in a local filesystem.

Mike Makonnen  | GPG-KEY: http://www.identd.net/~mtm/mtm.asc
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