On Fri, Dec 06, 2002 at 10:27:10AM -0800, Nate Lawson wrote:
> On Thu, 5 Dec 2002, Kirk McKusick wrote:
> > Does the background fsck process continue to run, or does the whole
> > system come to a halt? If the fsck process continues to run, what 
> > happens when it eventually finishes? Is the system still dead, or 
> > does it come back to life? If the system does not come back to life
> > can you get me the output of `ps axl'? If not, can you break into
> > the debugger and get a ps output? (You will need to have the DDB
> > option specified in your config file).
> Sorry for butting in.  I think Archie is referring to bg fsck gaining an
> unfair share of cpu due to it running due to IO completions.  Last I
> heard, we were waiting until after 5.0 to experiment with scheduler
> changes to make it more fair.  I have not seen any hard locks or other
> problems with bg fsck after your commit.

My experience is that, at least with my laptop (which has a very slow
disk), bg fsck works OK, but starting applictions for the first time
while fsck is running is _very_ painful.  Even getty seems to have a
hard time.  I've found that adding a two minute delay before the fsck is
sufficent to allow the system to finish starting up and for me to load X
and my main applictions which lets me work while bg fsck is running.  I
posted a patch to add an optional delay in the rc scripts a while ago,
but Kirk was going to re-enable the priority stuff soon so I didn't
persue it.  If there's intrest, I'll regenerate it and repost it.

-- Brooks

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