At 12:55 AM -0500 2002/12/02, Craig Reyenga wrote:

 I just tried a 3com 3c905 NIC (my roommate's) and it _also_
 transfers slowly (about 3.5MB/sec, so just under half of what i used to
 get with my realtek in -stable). It also spit out a few messages:
According to all the source modules I've read regarding RealTek cards, they're about the biggest pieces of hardware garbage that has ever been inflicted on the free/open community. However, a 3Com card should be a little better. Have you tried replacing both RealTek cards with 3Com, to see if that changes things?

 I'd really rather not play around with different versions of FreeBSD to
 fix this problem, because this computer is where I keep all of my stuff,
 and with exams, I just won't have the time. Yes I know that I "shouldn't be
  using 5.0 then" but a problem is a problem and it should be fixed.
Yeah, well. Regrettably, while 5.x-CURRENT needs as many testers as it can get before 5.0-RELEASE, it is not something that people should be using for critical work. I agree that this is a problem, but what we need right now are people who can help us find problems (which you've done) but then can also go the next steps and help us locate the problem (which you are unwilling or unable to do).

As soon as I get a couple of other things squared away, I'm going to take the leap myself and start trying to run -CURRENT, but with the commitment that I will do everything I can to locate any bugs that I find. But this means that I need to make sure that my FreeBSD box is doing useful (but not critical) stuff, so that I can give it a semi "real world" test.

At the very least, try DP1. If that doesn't work, then the changes happened somewhere earlier, and they will be more difficult to track down. Either that, or the problem is actually somewhere else, and you're only seeing the results through your network transfers.

Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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