just a question to the possibilies using 5.0-RELEASE. In the "early
adopters guide" (chapter 1) it's written, that 5.0-RELEASE should be as
stable as possible to "getting a large number of users to test". But if
it's not recommented to use it in production environments, what test
results do you expect?
Wouldn't it better to say: 5.0-CURRENT is not recommented for production
environments (as it's said 'bout using -STABLE blindly), 5.0-RELEASE may
be used in non-critical environment, but heavily use of backup tool is
I know many companies located in Halle (where we resides) which are
using linux, not because it's more stable but because SuSE tells: it's
8.0 and we tested and it's great. The simply believe the recommendation
of SuSE (or whoever) and if sth. fails, they think: Hmm - nothing paid,
who really cares?
And if I take a look to may AIX box, FBSD 5.0-CURRENT is more stable
than my AIX 4.3.3, because of the ports tree (in AIX I must do all by
L i W W W i Jens Rehsack
L i W W W W i nnn gggg LiWing IT-Services
L i W W W W i n n g g
LLLL i W W i n n g g Friesenstraße 2
gggg 06112 Halle
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Fax: +49 - 3 45 - 5 17 05 92 http://www.liwing.de/
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