On 19-Nov-2002 Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> I've been running 4.x on my desktop for months now, with the de driver ...
> I've decided that since we're coming up on release, let's move up to it
> (yes, I know, its not perfect yet, but its only my desktop) ...
> First problem I hit was that my ethernet card wasn't detected ... from
> ftp'ng down the original files, I figured that the driver for it must be
> on the drivers.flp, but I couldn't find anywhere that detailed how to make
> use of it ... I finally figured out how to do it, after much
> trial-n-error, but could someone maybe document this in the README.txt
> file, or maybe have a 'Press [Space] to loaddriver from drivers.flp'
> message into the boot routine?

I think that we should use some magic to make this more intuitive.
That is, I think we should have the loader.rc in the mfsroot set a
variable 'booted_from="floppy"' and have the loader.rc on the CD
set it 'booted_from="cd"' and then have sysinstall pop up a dialog
asking the user if they want to insert the driver floppy if the
kernel env var booted_from is set to "floppy".  Perhaps instead it
should be that the boot floppy on archs that support a drivers floppy
should add a 'driver_floppy="YES"' that sysinstall would go off of.
Hmm, I'll work on that.  Well, here's the first step (untested):

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/cvs/src/release/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.729
diff -u -r1.729 Makefile
--- Makefile    15 Nov 2002 22:03:25 -0000      1.729
+++ Makefile    19 Nov 2002 19:25:35 -0000
@@ -1061,6 +1061,8 @@
 .if ${TARGET_ARCH} != "ia64"
        @echo "set hint.acpi.0.disabled=1" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
+       @[ -r ${RD}/floppies/drivers.flp ] && \
+           echo "set driver_floppy=YES" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
        @echo "set module_path=\"/modules;/dist\"" >> 
        @echo "echo \\007\\007" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc
        @echo "autoboot 10" >> ${RD}/image.${FSIMAGE}/boot/loader.rc


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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