Installing 5.0-DP2
From: "Frode Nordahl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Installation from DOS fs does not work.  The firsr error message is
"Operation not permitted", conequetive attempts fails with
"/dist allready exists" or similar.

Unable to delete non-freebsd partitions from Fdisk.  Setting them to
type 165 and then deleting works.

Since installation from DOS is my only option right now, i went ahead
using installer from a june -CURRENT.  This almost worked, but the
boot code was not properly written.  The BootMgr comes up, but I get
no further.

Trying Fixit from the 5.0-DP2 boot disks fails! Similar error as when
trying install from DOS fs.  Fixing this after boot does not work
because of GEOM :(

Mvh, Frode Nordahl

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