walt wrote:
> Horen wrote:
> > Posted a week ago the question, didn't get any reaction.
> >
> > Everything with current from last night works fine but killing
> > X or logging out ends in a black screen. No way to activate the
> > display without reboot. Remote login is fine. Typing blind works
> > too.
> I have exactly the same problem on my NetBSD box but I haven't
> spent any time trying to fix it.
> I wonder if the console font color is being reset to black.
> You could try typing 'vidcontrol white black' to test that
> theory.  Dunno what might be causing it, though.

I had the same problem.

I made it go away by turning off all acceleration, and then
turning on accelleration options, one by one, until the problem
reappeared, and then leaving the three that cuased problems off.

It seems that the driver was written for a rev. 2 of the NeoMagic
chip, and my laptop actually has rev. 3.

Most likely, you will find that turning off all chip-specific
options, and then turning on only those which actually reliably
work, will fix your problem.

-- Terry

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