On 05-Nov-2002 Andrew Gallatin wrote:
> Joel M. Baldwin writes:
> <...>
>  > don't think this is related to the X FP problem ( although I am
>  > running X11 ).  There have been many times when I'd walk in the
> <...>
>  > options         DDB                     #Enable the kernel debugger
> <...>
> Its likley you are panic'ing in X, and the system is waiting at the
> ddb prompt.  But you can't see it or do anything, since X has control
> of the graphics and kbd, so it looks like the machine is frozen.
> Try adding options DDB_UNATTENDED  to your config.  Or just do
> sysctl  debug.debugger_on_panic=0
> Both of these have the same effect: they will prevent ddb from stopping
> the panic.  Make sure you have a dump device setup to capture a
> crashdump.

DDB is smart enough (if you are using sc(4)) to notice that the display
is in graphics mode and won't drop into a debugger prompt if you panic.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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