Gordon Tetlow writes:
 > On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 11:50:45AM -0800, Tim Kientzle wrote:
 > > I find the standard arguments used by RCng quite
 > > awkward.  In particular, especially for people who
 > > have worked with SysV-style init scripts, it's
 > > rather surprising that "/etc/rc.d/nfsd stop" does
 > > not actually stop the nfsd process.  Likewise, 'start'
 > > doesn't actually start the specified system.
 > As one of the people that supposedly worked on this. I'm heartily in
 > favor of this. I've found this behavior to be quite annoying. I'll
 > see if I can put something together. If you want to help me out and
 > put together the patches, I'd be more than happy to commit them.
 > -gordon

Even more annoyingly, the RCng nfsd script ignores arguments specified
in /etc/rc.conf.  See the example below, where "nfsd" is my patched
script, "nfsd.old" is what is in CVS now.  Patch appended.

% grep nfs /etc/rc.conf
nfs_server_flags="-u -t -n 8 -h -h"
% ./nfsd.old stop
nfsd not running?
% sudo ./nfsd.old start
Starting nfsd.
% ps ax | grep nfsd | wc -l
%sudo ./nfsd.old stop
Stopping nfsd.
kill: 2903: No such process
kill: 2905: No such process
<4:33pm>whisper/gallatin:rc.d>ps ax | grep nfsd | wc -l
% sudo ./nfsd start
Starting nfsd.
% ps ax | grep nfsd | wc -l

Note that the default script ignores the arguments -n 8 and starts
only 4 nfsds.

Can this be fixed, please?



cvs diff nfsd
Index: nfsd
RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/etc/rc.d/nfsd,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 nfsd
--- nfsd        12 Oct 2002 10:31:31 -0000      1.8
+++ nfsd        24 Oct 2002 23:57:27 -0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 rcvar=`set_rcvar nfs_server`
+load_rc_config $name

 case ${OSTYPE} in
@@ -51,5 +52,4 @@
        return 0

-load_rc_config $name
 run_rc_command "$1"

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