On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 20:42, Daniel Flickinger wrote:
> Sent: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 05:25:36 +0200 Clement Laforet wrote:
> + On Thu, 17 Oct 2002 02:39:51 +0000 (GMT)
> + Daniel Flickinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> +
> + > running CURRENT from slice at 1200 GMT 16 Oct 2002:
> + >
> + > system is Tyan 2642 SMP 1.2G w/SCSI-160s
> + >
> + > Configuring for Bison for ORBit2
> + >
> + > checking how to run the C preprocessor... /lib/cpp
> + > configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
> + > ===>  Script "configure" failed unexpectedly.
> + >       Please report the problem to [EMAIL PROTECTED] [maintainer] and attach
> + >       the "/work/usr/ports/devel/bison/work/bison-1.35/config.log" including
> + >       the output of the failure of your make command. Also, it might be a good
> + >       idea to provide an overview of all packages installed on your system
> + >       (e.g. an `ls /var/db/pkg`).
> +
> + Hummmm, It's working fine for me.
> + I'm not sure, but it seems to be a gcc 3.2 related problem (upgrading problem).
> + When did you update your sources ?
> + Did you remove all c++ stuff before installing world ?
>     System is CURRENT as of 1200 GMT 17 Oct --12 hours ago.
>     Everytime I do an installworld I use a shell command which
>     makes sure I have a 100% clean set of installs and libs --no
>     left over trash. Consistency may be the hobgobblin of little
>     minds, but it sure beats fat-finger errors.
>     Maybe it's too new? [g] --gcc has had two updates in the
>     last two weeks.
>     As to c++, if it's out of date, it's gone. I personally don't use
>     c++ --it's supposedly reusable code for disposable programmers.

cpp is the C pre-processor.  It should live in /usr/bin.  I have never
seen this error before, and my -CURRENT machine (updated as of
yesterday) is building GNOME 2 ports just fine.  I did a _full_ rebuild
of all ports after __sF, and everything but gnomelibs rebuilt without a
hitch.  I subsequently committed a patch to fix it.

Honestly, I don't know where that /lib/cpp is coming from.  The only way
I can reproduce your problem is to do:

# cd /usr/ports/devel/ORBit
# make CPP=/lib/cpp configure

So I'm wondering if you have CPP defined somewhere that is screwing with


>     #!/bin/bash
>     #
>     # 'installworld' shell command
>     #
>     TFLG="-j 4 -k -s"
>     cleanup() {
>       rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include.old >/dev/null 2>&1
>       mv -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/include ${DESTDIR}/usr/include.old
>       chflags -R noschg ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib
>       if [ ! -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/old ]; then
>           mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/old
>       fi
>       if [ ! -d ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/compat ]; then
>           mkdir ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/compat
>       fi
>       mv -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lib*.so.* ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/compat
>       mv -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/*.o ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/old
>       mv -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lib*.a ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/old
>       mv -f ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/lib*.so ${DESTDIR}/usr/lib/old
>     }
>     # waste sendmail
>     stomp() {
>       cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/libexec
>       rm -f sendmail/*
>       cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin
>       rm -f mailq newaliases
>       ln -s ${DESTDIR}/usr/sbin/sendmail mailq
>       ln -s ${DESTDIR}/usr/sbin/sendmail newaliases
>       cd ${DESTDIR}/usr/sbin
>       rm -f sendmail mailwrapper
>       ln -s postmail sendmail
>       }
>     process() {
>       cleanup >${CDATE}.installworld.${RDATE} 2>&1
>       make $TFLG $TDEF $TOUT installworld >>${CDATE}.installworld.${RDATE} 2>&1
>       rm -rf ${DESTDIR}/usr/include.old >/dev/null 2>&1
>       stomp >>${CDATE}.installworld.${RDATE} 2>&1
>     }
>     read -p "Enter current date code as \"ymdd.hhmm\": " CDATE
>     if [ -z "${CDATE}" ] ; then
>       printf "!   date required: enter date in format \"ymdd.hhmm\"\n"
>       exit 3
>     fi
>     read -p "Enter release date code as \"ymdd.hhmm\": " RDATE
>     if [ -z "${RDATE}" ] ; then
>       printf "!   date required: enter date in format \"ymdd.hhmm\"\n"
>       exit 4
>     fi
>     read -p "Enter non-standard destination directory or RET: " DTARGET
>     if [ -s "${DTARGET}" ] ; then
>       export DESTDIR=${DTARGET}
>     fi
>     process &
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