When i tries to copy a file from smbfs share mounted by mount_smbfs
i get an error:
 cp: ./filename: Bad address

But when i copy a file to share i get kernel panic like this:

 Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
 fault virtual address  = 0x0
 fault code             = supervisor write, page not present
 current process        = 531 (cp)
 trap number            = 12
 panic: page fault

Share mounted from SAMBA server (FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE)

Last cvsup + buildworld was about 16-17 October 2002
uname -a
FreeBSD neo.del.local 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #0: Thu Oct 17 19:19:49 EEST 
2002     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NEO  i386

 Vitaly Markitantov         mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     icq: 117438950          phone: (062)332-23-90

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