Lars Eggert wrote:

> For some reason I was under the (mis?)impression that ccd was no longer 
> being maintained... If it works with geom, we can probably move our 
> machines over to ccd. They're all no-frills stripes, so ccd 
> functionality is good enough.

>From the man page of ccd:

  ccd has an option for a parity disk, but does not currently implement it.


  In an event of a disk failure, you can use dd(1) to recover the failed

As I understand vinum & ccd (please correct me if I am wrong), this will
keep ccd from ever achieving the performance and ease of use of vinum.
I use vinum for a simple mirror, and found it easier to configure than
ccd.  Keeping it from running in 5.0 would probably kill a lot of setups.

Daniel D Holmes, N7NKR                  I'net:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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