Several months back when I first started playing with current sent a message on this mailing list to update the UPDATING file in /usr/src
I just CVSUPED another stable machine with the current sources to run current on it and guess what no body updated that info. it is a vital piece of information for some newbies going from stable to current (or should I call *BLEEDING EDGE*) anyways here it is : while upgrading from stable to current and if going the cvsup and make world way following the instructions in /usr/src/UPDATING. is pretty much all that is necessary except when the current kernel is installed and the computer is rebooted it will not boot up. but will be stuck after the boot blocks. the fix is to go to /usr/src/sys/boot/i386/ make all ; make install reboot ....... and it works reason:the location of kernel is moved from /kernel to /boot/kernel/kernel by default. a new kernel and its modules are installed in the /boot/kernel directory. This can be setup in one of the boot-conf files also. but why sweat finding it when make all; make install will do the trick. =========== Thats all folks ================ IMPORTANT A few more points for hackers: device midi crashes the kernel in the current cvsup-ed 09/22/2002 option IPSEC will cause the compilation of the kernel to seg fault. the KPOSIX options and IPSEC are STRANGE BEDFELLOWS kposix seems to act as an antidote to the seg fault i.e, the kernel compiles instead of dumping core. I have no idea about the functionality of IPSEC in the kernel compiled thus. POSIX seems to be working fine. device pcf device pcfclock freeze the kernel right around the time it is about to mount / removing the following devices works fine!! device iicbus device iicbb device ic device iic these two sets seem to be exclusive of each other. CAN SOMEBODY SHED SOME LIGHT ON THIS PLEASE THANK YOU ================ THE END ================== To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message