On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 03:55:17AM +0200, Alexander Langer wrote:
> Also sprach Bernd Walter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > You can verify with conscontrol.
> > It should list consolectl for vga console and Muting off.
> from dmesg:
> sc0: <System console> on isa0
> sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x0>

Now that you wrote it isolated - the flags are missing:
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>

Seems like your hints are ignored.
Have you tried disabling acpi?

B.Walter              COSMO-Project         http://www.cosmo-project.de
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