On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Mikhail Teterin wrote:

> Thanks, but I have much bigger troubles at the moment :-( The workaround
> for this one is simple -- rc_ng="NO"... 
> FWIW, this -- introducing this sort of instability just two months
> before the scheduled release -- is a lot more damaging than the stupid
> trolls, IMO. The finger-breakers should consider leaving the troll alone
> and switching to super-gluing the pointy hats to the apropriate skulls
> :-|

There are probably going to be a few nits involved in the VFS changes, but
there are a number of serious bugs being fixed here.  I've been running
into a bug on some boxes involving a race condition that occurs when
newsyslog runs on a busy system resulting in a inode deadlock.  It also
may be that many of the problems were bumping into now may merely be
existing bugs that are now more visible.

Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
[EMAIL PROTECTED]      Network Associates Laboratories

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