Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
fault virtual address   = 0x10
fault code              = supervisor read, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x8:0xc0227c89
stack pointer           = 0x10:0xcd3029c4
frame pointer           = 0x10:0xcd3029c4
code segment            = base 0x0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                        = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags        = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 182 (route)
panic: from debugger

#0  doadump () at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:213
#1  0xc01f0819 in boot (howto=260) at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:345
#2  0xc01f0a48 in panic () at ../../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:493
#3  0xc0142692 in db_panic () at ../../../ddb/db_command.c:449
#4  0xc0142612 in db_command (last_cmdp=0xc0373820, cmd_table=0xc03299a8, 
    aux_cmd_tablep_end=0xc0f04840) at ../../../ddb/db_command.c:345
#5  0xc0142726 in db_command_loop () at ../../../ddb/db_command.c:471
#6  0xc014538a in db_trap (type=12, code=0) at ../../../ddb/db_trap.c:72
#7  0xc02fb2f2 in kdb_trap (type=12, code=0, regs=0xcd302984) at 
#8  0xc030b982 in trap_fatal (frame=0xcd302984, eva=0) at ../../../i386/i386/trap.c:837
#9  0xc030b692 in trap_pfault (frame=0xcd302984, usermode=0, eva=16) at 
#10 0xc030b20d in trap (frame=
      {tf_fs = -1070333928, tf_es = 16, tf_ds = -1057947632, tf_edi = -1057927680, 
tf_esi = -1032651796, tf_ebp = -852481596, tf_isp = -852481616, tf_ebx = 238, tf_edx = 
0, tf_ecx = -852481576, tf_eax = 0, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 0, tf_eip = -1071481719, 
tf_cs = 8, tf_eflags = 66054, tf_esp = -852481560, tf_ss = -1071466855}) at 
#11 0xc02fca38 in calltrap () at {standard input}:98
#12 0xc022b699 in sbappendaddr (sb=0xc272fbec, asa=0xc038c9f8, m0=0xc0f14e00, 
    at ../../../kern/uipc_socket2.c:624
#13 0xc025de6f in raw_input (m0=0xc0f14e00, proto=0xc038ca18, src=0xc038c9f8, 
    at ../../../net/raw_usrreq.c:116
#14 0xc026032b in rt_missmsg (type=0, rtinfo=0xcd302a58, flags=132101, error=0) at 
#15 0xc025e3eb in rtalloc1 (dst=0xc272c900, report=1, ignflags=0) at 
#16 0xc025f228 in rt_setgate (rt0=0xc2729500, dst=0xc272c9dc, gate=0xc272c9ec) at 
#17 0xc025ec45 in rtrequest1 (req=1, info=0xcd302b44, ret_nrt=0xcd302b3c) at 
#18 0xc025f9d6 in route_output (m=0xc0f14d00, so=0xc272fba0) at 
#19 0xc025e0cd in raw_usend (so=0x0, flags=0, m=0x0, nam=0x0, control=0x0, 
td=0xc0f04840) at ../../../net/raw_usrreq.c:260
#20 0xc025f745 in rts_send (so=0x0, flags=0, m=0x0, nam=0x0, control=0x0, td=0x0) at 
#21 0xc0228fe3 in sosend (so=0xc272fba0, addr=0x0, uio=0xcd302c7c, top=0xc0f14d00, 
control=0x0, flags=0, td=0xc0f04840)
    at ../../../kern/uipc_socket.c:707
#22 0xc0219300 in soo_write (fp=0x0, uio=0xcd302c7c, active_cred=0xc0f01200, flags=0, 
    at ../../../kern/sys_socket.c:89
#23 0xc0213455 in dofilewrite (td=0xc0f04840, fp=0xc26b1d5c, fd=0, buf=0x80aa300, 
nbyte=0, offset=0, flags=0) at file.h:214
#24 0xc0213299 in write (td=0xc0f04840, uap=0xcd302d10) at 
#25 0xc030bcee in syscall (frame=
      {tf_fs = 47, tf_es = 47, tf_ds = 47, tf_edi = 134914908, tf_esi = 128, tf_ebp = 
-1077936872, tf_isp = -852480652, tf_ebx = 134914944, tf_edx = 134915680, tf_ecx = 0, 
tf_eax = 4, tf_trapno = 12, tf_err = 2, tf_eip = 134526191, tf_cs = 31, tf_eflags = 
662, tf_esp = -1077936916, tf_ss = 47}) at ../../../i386/i386/trap.c:1046
#26 0xc02fca8d in Xint0x80_syscall () at {standard input}:140

note that when kernel ran into DDB,  the fault instruction was at m_length+9, 
but core dump did not record the fact.

David Xu

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