On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 11:23:46 +0200, Martin Blapp wrote:
> That's what I thought too. I have now three different systems which show
> all this:
> 1) PIV 1,6Ghz, Intel B845DG Board, 1GB Kingston Ram,
> 2) PIV 2Ghz Intel B845DG Board, 1GB Kingston ECC Ram
> 3) PIV 2,26 Ghz Asus P4B533 Board with I845 chipset, 1GB noname Ram
> All running CURRENT. I also replaced in 1) and 2) the CPU, RAM.
> It happens both on SCSI and ATA disks. Powersupply has been changed
> for all 3 systems. Problem is still the same.
> The problem sometimes appears just after startup. CPU is still cold then.
> Other times it builds 6 buildworlds sucessfully, and then suddenly I see
> a SIG4.

Only a little addition from me: I had the same problems on -stable and they
only disappeared after compiling the kernel without debugging. I had the
impression that it has to do with the size of the kernel (but this of course
maybe wrong). After dropping "-g" from kernel compiling I hadn't a problem
again on -stable. (At the moment I do not have -current on a P-IV, the
motherboard is a Fujitsu-Siemens)

Best regards

Udo Schweigert, Siemens AG   | Voice      : +49 89 636 42170
CT IC CERT, Siemens CERT     | Fax        : +49 89 636 41166
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