> Because chances are good that the bugs still aren't fixed. I reported a 
> bug related to optimization with -march=athlon recently and the reply 
If you've got a newer Athlon (XP) then you could compile it with -march=athlon-xp.
I've filed a PR with a patch against bsd.cpu.mk (misc/41425) recently.

> I've got suggests that it's still present in all branches. I get the 
> impression that not too many people really use gcc3 with heavy 
> optimization on big stuff like XFree86 yet ... Of course, updating the 
XFree86 works like a charm built with -march=athlon-xp .

> system compiler would make bug reports from -CURRENT users even more useful.
Indeed. IMHO going to 3.2 is the best we could do.


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