On Thu, Aug 08, 2002 at 08:27:15PM +0300, Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
> > +CD9660     cd9660          3       options "ISO 9660 Filesystem"
> > +MSDOSFS    msdosfs         3       options "MSDOS filsystem"
> > +NFSCLIENT  nfsclient       3       options "Network Filesystem Client"
> >  SYSVSHM    sysvshm         2       options "SYSV-style shared memory"
> >  SYSVMSG    sysvmsg         2       options "SYSV-style message queues"
> >  SYSVSEM    sysvsem         2       options "SYSV-style semaphores"
> > 
> Hrm, I can probably agree on moving nfsclient.ko and msdosfs.ko to the 3rd
> floppy, but certainly not the cd9660 support.

Why??  I disagree.  CD9600 can go to the 3rd floppy -- if I am installing
from floppy's I am 99.9% chance doing a network install.  NFSCLIENT
definitely should be on the 1st or 2nd, not 3rd floppy -- again because I
am most likely doing a network install and that is the 2nd most popular
network access protocol (FTP being 1st).

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