Quoting Manfred Antar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


! ! IT WORKS ! ! for the first time is several weeks:-)
   ! THANKS !

I followed your steps and added a couple of my own below just in case someone
else is having problems.

 | Ed
 | I think i did this
 | Build and install the gcc32 port
 | cd /usr/local/bin
 | ln -s gcc32 gcc
 | ln -s gcc32 cc
 | ln -c g++32 g++
 | ln -s g++32 c++
 | And make sure /usr/local/bin is ahead of /usr/bin in your PATH
 | set PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
 | export PATH
# My additional steps.
cd /usr/bin
mv cc cc.org  # This solves the tracked aliase problem - don't 
              # forget to move it back.
cd /usr/ports/databases/mysql323-server
make  BUILD_STATIC=yes install

 | I did this about a month ago and forgot about the linkking
 | As gcc32 is installed but not gcc so you need to do all the links.
 | Then just go to the /usr/ports/databases/mysql323-server or client and do a 
 | make it should pick up /usr/local/bin/gcc or g++ as the compiler to use.
 | Manfred

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