On Thu, Jul 18, 2002 at 01:28:22AM -0700, Lamont Granquist wrote:
> I just cvsup'd and about 1.5h later got a crash+reboot with no dump.  I
> think someone else mentioned problems with fsck and I saw something like
> that too -- it looked like the rc scripts errored out after the fsck and
> dropped me into single user...

It could have been the following which I just got.

panic: vm_fault: fault on nofault entry, addr: c8856000

(kgdb) bt
#0  0xc01b1900 in doadump ()
#1  0xc01b1d12 in boot ()
#2  0xc01b1ec5 in panic ()
#3  0xc01300cd in db_panic ()
#4  0xc013006c in db_command ()
#5  0xc013013b in db_command_loop ()
#6  0xc013257a in db_trap ()
#7  0xc02b11a0 in kdb_trap ()
#8  0xc02be98c in trap ()
#9  0xc02b2568 in calltrap ()
#10 0xc01b1eac in panic ()
#11 0xc027db53 in vm_fault ()
#12 0xc02beba5 in trap_pfault ()
#13 0xc02be741 in trap ()
#14 0xc02b2568 in calltrap ()
#15 0xc01b707f in msleep ()
#16 0xc01f2320 in sched_sync ()
#17 0xc01a1381 in fork_exit ()

I didn't have a kernel with debugging info so I am building that now in
case it happens again.


Mark Santcroos                          RIPE Network Coordination Centre
http://www.ripe.net/home/mark/          New Projects Group/TTM

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