* Alfred Perlstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escriuréres
> The work is really nice, but the timing sounds rather bad, is there


> a way you can either commit it earlier or after you return from
> hiatus?

I can commit it a few weeks from now, or I can commit it five minutes
from now.  I just don't want it going in with any architectural deficiency
hanging over its head, and so I wanted to give adequate time for review,
if such seems necessary.  Really I can commit while out of town, but if
any changes need made because of said review, I wouldn't want to commit,
as (as mentioned) I'll be unable to test (outside of compiles).

Thanks again.
Juli Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       | FreeBSD: The Power To Serve
Will break world for fulltime employment. | finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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