Hi all,

I have a laptop running -CURRENT. A kernek dated June 10th works well,
however I am experiencing hangs with a kernel dated 24th June. These hangs
usually occur when closing a serial port (eg quitting tip) or when
executing an 'apm -z' command. I have not yet tried to find the commit
that caused it, as the hangs only happen once or twice a day. Breaking to
the debugger is not possible.

I'm going to try backing out the recent pcmcia changes (as it has a topic
chipset) unless anyone can suggest anything else. However the hang is
random, so it may be hard to know if the back-out it fixes it.

Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #3: Mon Jun 24 16:12:29 BST 2002
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/EPSILON
Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xc055d000.
Preloaded userconfig_script "/boot/kernel.conf" at 0xc055d0a8.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/snd_pcm.ko" at 0xc055d0f8.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/snd_ds1.ko" at 0xc055d1a4.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/modules/ltmdm.ko" at 0xc055d250.
Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/acpi.ko" at 0xc055d2fc.
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
CPU: Pentium III/Pentium III Xeon/Celeron (547.32-MHz 686-class CPU)
Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x683  Stepping = 3

real memory  = 134086656 (130944K bytes)
avail memory = 124485632 (121568K bytes)
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
VESA: v2.0, 8192k memory, flags:0x0, mode table:0xc04065c2 (1000022)
VESA: S3 Incorporated. M7 BIOS
Using $PIR table, 9 entries at 0xc00f0190
apm0: <APM BIOS> on motherboard
apm0: found APM BIOS v1.2, connected at v1.2
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
acpi0: Other PM system enabled.
pcib0: <Intel 82443BX (440 BX) host to PCI bridge> at pcibus 0 on motherboard
pci0: <PCI bus> on pcib0
pcib1: <PCI-PCI bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: <PCI bus> on pcib1
pci1: <display, VGA> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 5.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <Intel PIIX4 ATA33 controller> port 0xfff0-0xffff at device 5.1 on pci0
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci0
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci0
uhci0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> port 0xff80-0xff9f irq 11 at device 
5.2 on pci0
usb0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
pci0: <bridge, PCI-unknown> at device 5.3 (no driver attached)
ltmdm0: <Lucent Winmodem> port 0x1c00-0x1cff,0x2f8-0x2ff mem 0xffefff00-0xffefffff irq 
3 at device 7.0 on pci0
ltmdm0: type Virtual 16550A
pci0: <unknown> at device 9.0 (no driver attached)
pccbb0: <ToPIC95B PCI-CardBus Bridge> irq 11 at device 11.0 on pci0
cardbus0: <CardBus bus> on pccbb0
pccard0: <16-bit PCCard bus> on pccbb0
pccbb1: <ToPIC95B PCI-CardBus Bridge> irq 11 at device 11.1 on pci0
cardbus1: <CardBus bus> on pccbb1
pccard1: <16-bit PCCard bus> on pccbb1
pcm0: <Yamaha DS-1E (YMF744)> port 0xfefc-0xfeff,0xff00-0xff3f mem 
0xefff8000-0xefffffff irq 11 at device 12.0 on pci0

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