"David O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2002 at 06:16:45PM -0400, Garrett Wollman wrote:
> > <<On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 18:02:17 -0400 (EDT), Thomas David Rivers 
> > 
> > >   The correct approach (and, I have to admit to not
> > >  glancing at your patch) would be:
> > 
> > >    #ifndef __cplusplus
> > >    typedef _BSD_WCHAR_T_   wchar_t
> > >    #endif
> > 
> > Actually, the correct approach would be to avoid defining
> > _BSD_WCHAR_T_ when compiling C++.  This way, it only needs to be done
> I am much more likely to force the libstdc++ build to use our
> _BSD_WCHAR_T_.  Our types should be centralized and not in some hidden
> vendor software that often makes wrong assumptions about us.

 I accidently sent a reply to just David, so please forgive
 the duplicate.

 I think there is a misunderstanding here...

 It's not that the vendor software has "hidden" the definition
 of `wchar_t'.  The C++ standard mandates that `wchar_t' be
 a "builtin" type, just like `int'.  

 This is so function overloading can distinguish based on the
 `wchar_t' type.

 That is, these would be two *different* functions in a standard-
 conforming implementation:

        foo(unsigned int)


 If `wchar_t' is simply a typedef provided by the headers,
 then the implementation isn't C++ standard conforming.
 Also note that the source above is C++ standard conforming,
 you don't need to #include anything to get the definition
 of `wchar_t'.

 gcc v3.x finally gets this correct - and we have to adjust
 the headers to no longer define a typedef for wchar_t
 in this situation.

 This is not a situation of gcc being wrong - it's the 
 opposite - gcc is getting closer to right :-)

        - Dave Rivers -

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