On Tue, 11 Jun 2002, Terry Lambert wrote:
> "Paul S. Puth" wrote:
> > 
> > On Linux, there is a tool called "warnquota" that fits my need but I am
> > running FreeBSD 4.5 -RELEASE so I can't utilize that tool. Also, from
> > searching on google, I've found a tool called "psntools" that has the
> > warnquota feature but it doesn't work on a filesystem that has a mailspool.
> > 
> > Can someone help me?
> FWIW: It's kind of a dumb idea to send email warning about a
> condition which is caused by having too much email.  We did
> this on the InterJet, and it was actually a pretty dumb thing
> to do; you end up with a recursive problem that's unsolvable
> -- you basically have to let certain cenders be "priviledged"
> for the delivery of the messages, which means hacking both
> the MDA ("deliver") and "warnquota".

In that case, why not just hack pop3d/imapd/whatever to display a
'virtual' e-mail of some type when the user connects.  It could be
complicated to avoid simply generating a new message every time the user
connects without storing the time the last warning was received, I guess.

> Another issue is that quota enforcement only occurs *after*
> you exceed the quota, not *when* you exceed the quota.  This
> is because email messages must be treated as atomic units; so
> if you are within 3k of a 100k quota, and you get an 80k message,
> you can't not accept it.

Why not?  I can't see how you can't just bounce it.  You may have accepted
it, but that doesn't guaranteee delivery, just that you won't drop it on
the floor.

> The way "HotMail" handles this condition is to drop email that
> it has accepted to delivery, if it can't be delivered to the
> user because of them being over quota.  But since it has
> already accepted the email for delivery (by sending "250 OK"
> to the remote SMTP client or MTA, it has pledged to deliver
> the message, or give failure notification, so the message

So why not give failure notification?

> contents are not lost), the email is basically lost with no
> recourse.  The inability to guarantee delivery is the basis
> for the liability disclaimer, and the terms of service not
> allowing business use of the service (i.e. to prevent legal
> liability problems).

David Taylor
"The future just ain't what it used to be"

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