On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Takanori Watanabe wrote:

> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Taavi Talvik wrote:

Yes, acpi the case. Acpi tries to emulate apm, but seams that this
emulation is incomplete. At least it does not provide support for apmd.

Actually, i should have looked at acpi sources before asking from list.
Again fingers are faster than brain:(

best regards,

> >I have included apm in kernel (cvsupped yesterday) config file. However,
> >it does not create /dev/apmctl
> >
> >>l /dev/apm*
> >crw-rw-r--  1 root  operator   39,   0 Jun 11 19:31 /dev/apm
> This can be fake apm device node made by ACPI driver.
> >How is this possible? Driver code /usr/src/sys/i386/apm/apm.c calls
> >creation of both device nodes around line 1106 without any conditionals
> >
> >        make_dev(&apm_cdevsw, 0, 0, 5, 0664, "apm");
> >        make_dev(&apm_cdevsw, 8, 0, 5, 0660, "apmctl");
> Are you surely using apm driver? You may have to disable acpi loading
> by typing 'unset acpi_load' in boot loader.
> ACPI makes apm node only, not apmctl node.
> Takanori Watanabe
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