It appears someone either broke sendmail or install.
>From an "make installworld" of sources from 02/06/06
1851 PDT.  I'm getting

install -C -o root -g wheel -m 755 -d /usr/share/sendmail/cf
usage: install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
               [-o owner] file1 file2
       install [-bCcpSsv] [-B suffix] [-f flags] [-g group] [-m mode]
               [-o owner] file1 ... fileN directory
       install -d [-v] [-g group] [-m mode] [-o owner] directory ...
*** Error code 64 (continuing)
`install' not remade because of errors.

It seems [EMAIL PROTECTED] forgot to place an entry
in src/UPDATING that he purposely broke world.

 Revision 1.55 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Wed Jun 5 17:37:48 2002 
UTC (35 hours, 7 minutes ago) by ru
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.54: +1 -8 lines
Diff to previous 1.54 (colored)

Start the (overdue) de-orbit sequence for the -d -C combo,
as was promised in revision 1.43.

MFC after:      1 month


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