Please accept my appologies for this, it does look like I messed up
the MI code.  The following change may mess up the pcib code a little,
but I think that the MD code now does the right thing.

Does this fix things for you?


Index: pcivar.h
RCS file: /cache/ncvs/src/sys/dev/pci/pcivar.h,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -u -r1.56 pcivar.h
--- pcivar.h    1 Jun 2002 05:40:33 -0000       1.56
+++ pcivar.h    7 Jun 2002 02:35:52 -0000
@@ -246,10 +246,12 @@
- * PCI interrupt validation.
+ * PCI interrupt validation.  Invalid interrupt values such as 0 or 128
+ * on i386 or other platforms should be mapped out in the MD pcireadconf
+ * code and not here, since the only MI invalid IRQ is 255.
 #define PCI_INVALID_IRQ                255
-#define PCI_INTERRUPT_VALID(x) (((x) != 0) && ((x) != PCI_INVALID_IRQ))
  * Convenience functions.

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