On 2002-05-22 10:39, Martin Kacerovsky wrote:
> On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 11:22:43AM +0300, Maxim Sobolev wrote:
> > sys/consio.h header installed on your system is too old. You need to
> > do a fresh `make world' and rebuild/reinstall your kernel - it's the
> > only way to do vidcontrol upgrade properly.
> I don't understand, I have CVSUPed the whole tree and rebuilt the kernel,
> after boot when I launched vidcontrol it said me unapropriate ioctl ...,
> so I've decided to rebuild it from the same tree as kernel, so IMO the
> sys/consio.h is the same version as vidcontrol is, isn't it?
> I don't understand why I must build the whole world, if only vidcontrol
> has problems with the new kernel. (The "old world" is snapshot
> 5.0-20020302-PREVIEW).

It's very likely that other things will have problems with the new
kernel too.  You just haven't discovered yet.  You should really
always try to run a userland and kernel that have been compiled from
the same set of sources.

Giorgos Keramidas    - http://www.FreeBSD.org
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