Kenneth Culver wrote:
> > I'm actually still not seeing a match between what's in  truss, and what's
> > in my printed-out args, but it seems to be working anyway...
> >
> Argh, it's not working again... It was working on an install of ms office,
> but it won't work on some old windows game.. (winex) and it's still not
> setting the last arg (or register properly):
> truss output:
> linux_mmap2(0x65430000,0x100000,0x3,0x11,0x9,0x6) = 1698889728
> (0x65430000)
> notice that the last arg is 0x6, that's the page offset...
> what the kernel prints for the same call:
> mmap2(0x65430000, 1048576, 3, 0x00000011, 9, 0)
> notice that they both have all the same values until you get to the last
> one... at which point the value is wrong... Apparently this only causes
> problems on some windows programs that one may try to execute, and not on
> others...
> So, where can I force this to get set?
> Ken

Try this:

RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/i386/linux/linux_sysvec.c,v
retrieving revision 1.99
diff -u -2 -r1.99 linux_sysvec.c
--- linux_sysvec.c      4 Apr 2002 17:49:46 -0000       1.99
+++ linux_sysvec.c      24 Apr 2002 23:57:23 -0000
@@ -711,4 +711,5 @@
        args[3] = tf->tf_esi;
        args[4] = tf->tf_edi;
+       args[5] = tf->tf_ebp;
        *params = NULL;         /* no copyin */

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