On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 01:44:04AM +0900, Makoto Matsushita wrote:
> ru> This is just a heads up for anyone interested that I have just
> ru> started working on a cross-platform "make release" issue so that
> ru> "make release TARGET_ARCH=alpha" on an i386 box would produce a
> ru> working Alpha release.
> Wonderful!  If there are any tasks I can help for you, feel free to
> email me.  My buildboxes are awaiting more jobs to do, but myself is
> awaiting more spare times to do :-(
A fast -CURRENT box with root access for "make release" would be
highly appreciated.  My 500MHz Celeron is too slow for this.

> ru> The next task will be to support cross-branch "make releases"
> ru> so that a 4.x box could be used to produce a 5.0 snapshot.
> It seems that there are 2 problems; some syscall issue, and md/vn
> device issue.  However, IIRC, the latter problem was already resolved
> by nyan-san.
There are no syscall issues in my version because I do not do a
second "installworld".

> ru> Supporting non-root "make release"s might be a good idea too.
> This requires that non-root uses vn/md device...
I realize that, there are some prerequisites for this too, like
setting vfs.usermount=1.  More about this later.

I estimate that 30% is already done.  :-)

Time to sleep now.

Ruslan Ermilov          Sysadmin and DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251        Simferopol, Ukraine

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