On Mon, Apr 01, 2002 at 06:08:40PM -0800, Terry Lambert wrote:
> "Crist J. Clark" wrote:
> > > This came up in the first place because it's a cross-envrionment
> > > issue that needs resolving.  The "workaround" exists because the
> > > workaround cops out on the cross-environment part of the process
> > > and spits out the warnming, instead.
> > 
> > An 'installworld' doesn't even come close to working in a cross
> > environment for a whole variety of reasons, so I don't see the
> > relevance.
> > 
> > The situation this question comes up is typically 5-CURRENT builds on
> > 4-STABLE systems, not in cross-archetecture builds.
> Since this is the recommended upgrade path for going from 4.x
> to 5.x right now, it's an issue, if you can't cross-build 5.x
> on 4.x.
You can't do it with 4.x .h-files. You need to use 5-CURRENT
headers. The cross-tools phase, stage 3, uses the host system's

> That other things are broken doesn't really excuse this being
> broken.
> The problem is that the kldxref deserves to get its own tools
> build, so that there is a version that works against 5.x code
> that can be built on 4.x (or NetBSD or Linux or Solaris or
> whatever).

It builds fine on 4.x as long as you use the correct headers. It
appears to run fine on 4.x too. It's just that you pretty much need to
add a new stage to the build process. A stage where one builds
cross-tools with the new header files.
Crist J. Clark                     |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                   |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://people.freebsd.org/~cjc/    |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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