in a related tangential note, i recently found (out of sheer irritation) in less than an hour that several (including the latest) versions of GCC -O and -O2 failed the paranoia test in different ways, to wit:
gcc -o paranoia paranoia.c [paranoia output elided] The number of DEFECTs discovered = 1. The number of FLAWs discovered = 1. gcc -O2 -o paranoia paranoia.c [paranoia output elided] The number of FAILUREs encountered = 4. The number of SERIOUS DEFECTs discovered = 4. The number of DEFECTs discovered = 2. The number of FLAWs discovered = 2. i assume everyone knows about kahan and paranoia. if not see netlib. oz --- a technology is indistinguishable from | electric: [EMAIL PROTECTED] its implementation. -- Marshall Rose | or 905 415 2878 To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-current" in the body of the message