cvs checkout -D "8PM last Monday"  :-)
(or similar....)

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, David Wolfskill wrote:

> Is anyone else seeing this?
> Running -CURRENT (been tracking it daily for a while, now), I find that
> if I run script(1), things basically run as expected... until I try to
> close script's stdin (normally, by entering EOT (^D)).
> At that point, I can use the mouse (if I'm in an environment where that
> makes sense); I can switch among the ttyvNs (up to a point), but nothing
> indicates that any (other) characters are being read -- I can't use
> Ctl+Alt+Esc to break into the debugger; can't Ctl+Alt+Del to reboot --
> it's power-cycle time (unless I remembered[*] that this was going to
> happen, and set up an "at" task to reboot at some auspicious time in the
> (near) future.
> I first noticed this a few days ago, in conjunction with my normal build
> sequence:  I would fire up screen(1), within that "screen" session, fire
> up script(1), do the "make buildworld" & friends; after the mergemaster,
> I'd exit script(1), then reboot.
> Except that (starting a few days ago -- between Sunday - Tuesday, I
> think) I would hit ^D on the script session, and fail to get a shell
> prompt back.  I could still type on xterms displayed on my laptop (the
> machine I was upgrading at the time) that were actually running on other
> machines (and get expected/useful responses back, too).  And as
> alluded to above, setting up an "at" task ahead of time appears to
> work OK.
> I had thought that there might be some correlation bewteen this and some
> whines (warning messages) I was seeing from sudo(8), since I needed to
> have a different sudo executable for -CURRENT than I do for -STABLE.
> So, this afternoon, I removed sudo & re-built it (under today's
> But then I discovered that the behavior (quasi-lockup) occurs even if I
> use script(1) as a "normal" user -- no use of sudo at all.
> This would seem to be A Bad Thing.
> Here's my recent CVSup history:
> freebeast(4.5-S)[4] tail /var/log/cvsup-history.log
> CVSup begin from at Mon Mar  4 03:47:03 PST 2002
> CVSup ended from at Mon Mar  4 03:53:29 PST 2002
> CVSup begin from at Tue Mar  5 03:47:07 PST 2002
> CVSup ended from at Tue Mar  5 03:54:20 PST 2002
> CVSup begin from at Wed Mar  6 03:47:02 PST 2002
> CVSup ended from at Wed Mar  6 03:53:38 PST 2002
> CVSup begin from at Thu Mar  7 03:47:02 PST 2002
> CVSup ended from at Thu Mar  7 03:53:22 PST 2002
> CVSup begin from at Fri Mar  8 03:47:03 PST 2002
> CVSup ended from at Fri Mar  8 03:53:39 PST 2002
> And the laptop is presently running:
> g1-6(5.0-C)[1] uname -a
> FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #93: Fri Mar  8 08:17:09 
>PST 2002     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/common/S3/obj/usr/src/sys/LAPTOP_30W  i386
> g1-6(5.0-C)[2] 
> If some kind soul would care to loan me a clue, I'll be happy to
> hunt for causes and such.  I can provide kernel configs, dmesg
> output, and the like on a Web page, if that would be useful -- but
> what I'm asking for at this point is hints for narrowing the scope
> down somewhat from "the entire known universe".  (OK; that was
> melodramatic.  Sorry.)
> * "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backaards," the Queen
> remarked. -- Lewis Carroll; _Through the Looking-Glass_ ("Wool and
> Water")
> Thanks,
> david
> -- 
> David H. Wolfskill                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I believe it would be irresponsible (and thus, unethical) for me to advise,
> recommend, or support the use of any product that is or depends on any
> Microsoft product for any purpose other than personal amusement.
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