>:stuff to change from their current model.  I also think that just as it
>:is too early to optimize to light weight ithread switches (sparc64 is
>:going to optimize all kthread switches, not just ithreads by using a more
>    We have very different development models, and different priorities.

This same issue came up at the BSDCon developers conference in
regard to ithreads.  Is it better to optimize some bit of code
because it is the fun and interesting thing to do, or to build a simple,
yet stable and easily verified foundation, that we can later optimize
in a controlled manner?  This is not about whether these particular
changes are correct.  The concern is that they may contain a subtle
bug that makes it difficult to verify other portions of the system.
I don't think anyone believes that we are at a point in current
where we can convince ourselves that the system does work, no matter how
slowly, in all cases.  If we start to optimize before we reach such
a point, how will we ever determine the robustness of the system?
An optimization put in place today may have a bug or may expose a
bug somewhere else in the system.  In the current situation it is
difficult to know which scenario is true (bug or side-effect) because
we don't have a solid, verified, foundation.

My 2 cents?  Work with John to get the APIs that affect this particular
code stable.  That means discussion and perhaps that discussion will
take some time (if this blow-up hadn't occurred the discussion
would already be over now ;-).  Once the APIs are in place, commit your
code in a format that makes it completely optional, just like your Giant
lock optimizations.  This means that those interested in validating
and determining the impact of your code can easily do so by flipping
a switch.  Those who would rather debug their own subsystem problems
in a slower, but simpler, environment can do so too.


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