After 25 days of  uptime I rebuilt the world, and can  no longer boot as
usual. Both boot/loader and boot/loader.old (from Oct 30) flash the list
of devices and immediately reset the computer.
My only way  to bring it up is  to press space at the  right moment, get
the Boot: prompt and load/boot kernel directly bypassing the loader.

This  works, but  there  is  no console  output  (it  goes from  spinner
straight into  the login prompt). I  guess, the console output  is being
sent down sio0, where there is  an external modem now. Turning the modem
off does not change anything...

Dmesg  output  follows  (note,  that the  ``calcru:  negative  time...''
messages are still here!). What have I done to deserve this?

Copyright (c) 1992-2002 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
        The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #1: Thu Jan  3 21:38:15 EST 2002
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/ccd/obj/ccd/src/sys/DEBUG
Calibrating clock(s) ... TSC clock: 298563844 Hz, i8254 clock: 1193302 Hz
CLK_USE_I8254_CALIBRATION not specified - using default frequency
Timecounter "i8254"  frequency 1193182 Hz
CLK_USE_TSC_CALIBRATION not specified - using old calibration method
CPU: Pentium II/Pentium II Xeon/Celeron (298.54-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x633  Stepping = 3
real memory  = 335478784 (327616K bytes)
Physical memory chunk(s):
0x00001000 - 0x0009dfff, 643072 bytes (157 pages)
0x004f0000 - 0x13fe7fff, 330268672 bytes (80632 pages)
avail memory = 321290240 (313760K bytes)
Programming 24 pins in IOAPIC #0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 2 -> irq 0
SMP: CPU0 apic_initialize():
     lint0: 0x00000700 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000010 SVR: 0x000001ff
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): apic id:  1, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee00000
 cpu1 (AP):  apic id:  0, version: 0x00040011, at 0xfee00000
 io0 (APIC): apic id:  2, version: 0x00170011, at 0xfec00000
bios32: Found BIOS32 Service Directory header at 0xc00f7270
bios32: Entry = 0xfd824 (c00fd824)  Rev = 0  Len = 1
pcibios: PCI BIOS entry at 0xfd6c0+0x430
pnpbios: Found PnP BIOS data at 0xc00f72a0
pnpbios: Entry = f0000:ab93  Rev = 1.0
Other BIOS signatures found:
null: <null device, zero device>
random: <entropy source>
mem: <memory & I/O>
Pentium Pro MTRR support enabled
VESA: information block
56 45 53 41 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 22 00 
00 01 20 00 00 01 19 01 00 01 2d 01 00 01 4b 01 
00 01 0a 01 09 01 02 01 03 01 04 01 00 01 01 01 
05 01 11 01 14 01 10 01 13 01 16 01 02 01 06 01 
VESA: 19 mode(s) found
VESA: v2.0, 2048k memory, flags:0x0, mode table:0xc041f722 (1000022)
VESA: Cirrus Logic GD-5480 VGA
VESA: Vendor Name         Product Name                  Revision Number
SMP: CPU0 bsp_apic_configure():
     lint0: 0x00010700 lint1: 0x00000400 TPR: 0x00000010 SVR: 0x000001ff
pci_open(1):    mode 1 addr port (0x0cf8) is 0x8000a010
pci_open(1a):   mode1res=0x80000000 (0x80000000)
pci_cfgcheck:   device 0 [class=060000] [hdr=00] is there (id=71928086)
Using $PIR table, 8 entries at 0xc00fdf40
acpi0: <Intel    RSDT  > on motherboard
acpi0: power button is handled as a fixed feature programming model.
Timecounter "ACPI"  frequency 3579545 Hz
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0xc08-0xc0b on acpi0
acpi_cpu0: <CPU> on acpi0
acpi_cpu1: <CPU> on acpi0
acpi_pcib0: <Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: physical bus=0
        map[10]: type 3, range 32, base fa400000, size 22, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7192, revid=0x02
        bus=0, slot=0, func=0
        class=06-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 16 -> irq 2
Freeing (NOT implemented) redirected PCI irq 11.
        map[10]: type 4, range 32, base 00001c30, size  3, enabled
        map[14]: type 4, range 32, base 00001c24, size  2, enabled
        map[18]: type 4, range 32, base 00001c28, size  3, enabled
        map[1c]: type 4, range 32, base 00001c20, size  2, enabled
        map[20]: type 4, range 32, base 00001080, size  6, enabled
        map[24]: type 1, range 32, base fa100000, size 17, enabled
found-> vendor=0x105a, dev=0x4d38, revid=0x01
        bus=0, slot=11, func=0
        class=01-04-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        intpin=a, irq=2
        powerspec 1  supports D0 D3  current D0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 21 -> irq 3
Freeing (NOT implemented) redirected PCI irq 10.
        map[10]: type 4, range 32, base 00001400, size  8, enabled
        map[14]: type 1, range 32, base fa123000, size  8, enabled
        map[18]: type 1, range 32, base fa120000, size 12, enabled
found-> vendor=0x1000, dev=0x000f, revid=0x37
        bus=0, slot=13, func=0
        class=01-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
        intpin=a, irq=3
        powerspec 1  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 22 -> irq 5
        map[10]: type 4, range 32, base 00001800, size  8, enabled
        map[14]: type 1, range 32, base fa123400, size  8, enabled
        map[18]: type 1, range 32, base fa121000, size 12, enabled
found-> vendor=0x1000, dev=0x000f, revid=0x37
        bus=0, slot=13, func=1
        class=01-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
        intpin=b, irq=5
        powerspec 1  supports D0 D1 D2 D3  current D0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 18 -> irq 9
Freeing (NOT implemented) redirected PCI irq 3.
        map[10]: type 4, range 32, base 000010c0, size  6, enabled
found-> vendor=0x1274, dev=0x1371, revid=0x02
        bus=0, slot=14, func=0
        class=04-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        intpin=a, irq=9
        powerspec 1  supports D0 D2 D3  current D0
IOAPIC #0 intpin 20 -> irq 10
Freeing (NOT implemented) redirected PCI irq 11.
        map[10]: type 3, range 32, base fa124000, size 12, enabled
        map[14]: type 4, range 32, base 00001060, size  5, enabled
        map[18]: type 1, range 32, base fa000000, size 20, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x1229, revid=0x05
        bus=0, slot=15, func=0
        class=02-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        intpin=a, irq=10
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7110, revid=0x02
        bus=0, slot=18, func=0
        class=06-01-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=1
        map[20]: type 4, range 32, base 00001050, size  4, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7111, revid=0x01
        bus=0, slot=18, func=1
        class=01-01-80, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        map[20]: type 4, range 32, base 00001c00, size  5, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7112, revid=0x01
        bus=0, slot=18, func=2
        class=0c-03-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        intpin=d, irq=5
        map[90]: type 4, range 32, base 00001040, size  4, enabled
found-> vendor=0x8086, dev=0x7113, revid=0x02
        bus=0, slot=18, func=3
        class=06-80-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
        map[10]: type 3, range 32, base fc000000, size 25, enabled
        map[14]: type 1, range 32, base fa122000, size 12, enabled
found-> vendor=0x1013, dev=0x00bc, revid=0x23
        bus=0, slot=20, func=0
        class=03-00-00, hdrtype=0x00, mfdev=0
pci0: <PCI bus> on acpi_pcib0
atapci0: <Promise ATA66 controller> port 
0x1080-0x10bf,0x1c20-0x1c23,0x1c28-0x1c2f,0x1c24-0x1c27,0x1c30-0x1c37 mem 
0xfa100000-0xfa11ffff irq 2 at device 11.0 on pci0
ata2: iobase=0x1c30 altiobase=0x1c26 bmaddr=0x1080
ata2: mask=03 ostat0=50 ostat2=00
ata2-master: ATAPI probe 00 00
ata2-slave: ATAPI probe 00 00
ata2: mask=03 stat0=50 stat1=00
ata2-master: ATA probe 01 a5
ata2: devices=01
ata2: at 0x1c30 on atapci0
ata3: iobase=0x1c28 altiobase=0x1c22 bmaddr=0x1088
ata3: mask=03 ostat0=50 ostat2=00
ata3-master: ATAPI probe 00 00
ata3-slave: ATAPI probe 00 00
ata3: mask=03 stat0=50 stat1=00
ata3-master: ATA probe 01 a5
ata3: devices=01
ata3: at 0x1c28 on atapci0
sym0: <875> port 0x1400-0x14ff mem 0xfa120000-0xfa120fff,0xfa123000-0xfa1230ff irq 3 
at device 13.0 on pci0
sym0: No NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-20, SE, parity checking
sym0: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym0: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
sym1: <875> port 0x1800-0x18ff mem 0xfa121000-0xfa121fff,0xfa123400-0xfa1234ff irq 5 
at device 13.1 on pci0
sym1: No NVRAM, ID 7, Fast-20, SE, parity checking
sym1: open drain IRQ line driver, using on-chip SRAM
sym1: using LOAD/STORE-based firmware.
pcm0: <AudioPCI ES1371-A> port 0x10c0-0x10ff irq 9 at device 14.0 on pci0
pcm0: ac97 codec id 0x54524103 (TriTech TR?????)
pcm0: ac97 codec features 6 bit master volume, no 3D Stereo Enhancement
pcm: setmap 5e3000, 1000; 0xc1619000 -> 5e3000
pcm: setmap 5e5000, 1000; 0xc161b000 -> 5e5000
fxp0: <Intel Pro 10/100B/100+ Ethernet> port 0x1060-0x107f mem 
0xfa000000-0xfa0fffff,0xfa124000-0xfa124fff irq 10 at device 15.0 on pci0
fxp0: using memory space register mapping
fxp0: Ethernet address 00:a0:c9:83:0b:d5
fxp0: PCI IDs: 8086 1229 8086 0008 0005
fxp0: Dynamic Standby mode is disabled
inphy0: <i82555 10/100 media interface> on miibus0
inphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
bpf: fxp0 attached
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 18.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci1: <Intel PIIX4 ATA33 controller> port 0x1050-0x105f at device 18.1 on pci0
ata0: iobase=0x01f0 altiobase=0x03f6 bmaddr=0x1050
ata0: mask=03 ostat0=10 ostat2=10
ata0-master: ATAPI probe 10 10
ata0-slave: ATAPI probe 10 10
ata0: mask=03 stat0=10 stat1=10
ata0-master: ATA probe 10 10
ata0-slave: ATA probe 10 10
ata0: devices=00
ata0: at 0x1f0 irq 14 on atapci1
ata1: iobase=0x0170 altiobase=0x0376 bmaddr=0x1058
ata1: mask=01 ostat0=50 ostat2=ff
ata1-master: ATAPI probe 14 eb
ata1: mask=01 stat0=00 stat1=00
ata1: devices=04
ata1: at 0x170 irq 15 on atapci1
uhci0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> port 0x1c00-0x1c1f irq 5 at device 
18.2 on pci0
usb0: <Intel 82371AB/EB (PIIX4) USB controller> on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
intpm0: <Intel 82371AB Power management controller> port 0x1040-0x104f irq 9 at device 
18.3 on pci0
intpm0: I/O mapped 1040
intpm0: intr IRQ 9 enabled revision 0
smbus0: <System Management Bus> on intsmb0
smb0: <SMBus general purpose I/O> on smbus0
intpm0: PM I/O mapped c00 
pci0: <display, VGA> at device 20.0 (no driver attached)
atspeaker0 port 0x61 on acpi0
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
atkbd: the current kbd controller command byte 0047
atkbd: keyboard ID 0x41ab (2)
kbd0: atkbd0, AT 101/102 (2), config:0x0, flags:0x1d0000
psm0: unable to allocate IRQ
psmcpnp0 irq 12 on acpi0
psm0: current command byte:0047
psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc0
psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0-00, 3 buttons
psm0: config:00000000, flags:00000000, packet size:3
psm0: syncmask:c0, syncbits:00
fdc0: <enhanced floppy controller (i82077, NE72065 or clone)> port 0x3f7,0x3f2-0x3f5 
irq 6 on acpi0
unknown: not probed (disabled)
unknown: not probed (disabled)
ppc0: using extended I/O port range
PC873xx probe at 0x2e got unknown ID 0x0
ppc0 port 0x778-0x77f,0x378-0x37f irq 7 on acpi0
ppc0: Generic chipset (ECP/PS2/NIBBLE) in COMPATIBLE mode
ppc0: FIFO with 16/16/8 bytes threshold
lpt0: <Printer> on ppbus0
lpt0: Interrupt-driven port
vpo0: can't connect to the drive
imm0: (disconnect) s1=0x38 s2=0x38, s3=0x38
imm0: (connect) s1=0x38 s2=0x38, s3=0x38
imm0: (connect) s1=0x38 s2=0x38, s3=0x38
sio0: irq maps: 0xc1 0xd1 0xc1 0xc1
sio0 port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 on acpi0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1: irq maps: 0xc1 0xd1 0xc1 0xc1
sio1 port 0x3e8-0x3ef irq 4 on acpi0
sio1: type 16550A
unknown: not probed (disabled)
unknown: not probed (disabled)
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
Trying Read_Port at 203
Trying Read_Port at 243
Trying Read_Port at 283
Trying Read_Port at 2c3
Trying Read_Port at 303
Trying Read_Port at 343
Trying Read_Port at 383
Trying Read_Port at 3c3
isa_probe_children: disabling PnP devices
isa_probe_children: probing non-PnP devices
sc0: <System console> on isa0
sc0: VGA <9 virtual consoles, flags=0x0>
sc0: fb0, kbd0, terminal emulator: sc (syscons terminal)
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
fb0: vga0, vga, type:VGA (5), flags:0x700ff
fb0: port:0x3c0-0x3df, crtc:0x3d4, mem:0xa0000 0x20000
fb0: init mode:24, bios mode:3, current mode:24
fb0: window:0xc00b8000 size:32k gran:32k, buf:0 size:32k
VGA parameters upon power-up
50 18 10 00 00 00 03 00 02 67 5f 4f 50 82 55 81 
bf 1f 00 4f 0d 0e 00 00 01 40 9c 8e 8f 28 1f 96 
b9 a3 ff 00 01 02 03 04 05 14 07 38 39 3a 3b 3c 
3d 3e 3f 0c 00 0f 08 00 00 00 00 00 10 0e 00 ff 
VGA parameters in BIOS for mode 24
50 18 10 00 10 00 03 00 02 67 5f 4f 50 82 55 81 
bf 1f 00 4f 0d 0e 00 00 00 00 9c 8e 8f 28 1f 96 
b9 a3 ff 00 01 02 03 04 05 14 07 38 39 3a 3b 3c 
3d 3e 3f 0c 00 0f 08 00 00 00 00 00 10 0e 00 ff 
EGA/VGA parameters to be used for mode 24
50 18 10 00 10 00 03 00 02 67 5f 4f 50 82 55 81 
bf 1f 00 4f 0d 0e 00 00 00 00 9c 8e 8f 28 1f 96 
b9 a3 ff 00 01 02 03 04 05 14 07 38 39 3a 3b 3c 
3d 3e 3f 0c 00 0f 08 00 00 00 00 00 10 0e 00 ff 
isa_probe_children: probing PnP devices
SMP: enabled INTs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, apic_imen: 0xffff2901
BIOS Geometries:
 0:020ffe3f 0..527=528 cylinders, 0..254=255 heads, 1..63=63 sectors
 1:03fefe3f 0..1022=1023 cylinders, 0..254=255 heads, 1..63=63 sectors
 2:03fefe3f 0..1022=1023 cylinders, 0..254=255 heads, 1..63=63 sectors
 0 accounted for
Device configuration finished.
procfs registered
APIC_IO: Testing 8254 interrupt delivery
APIC_IO: routing 8254 via IOAPIC #0 intpin 2
IP packet filtering initialized, divert enabled, rule-based forwarding enabled, 
default to accept, unlimited logging
IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, unlimited logging
bpf: lo0 attached
bpf: ppp0 attached
DUMMYNET initialized (011031)
Linux ELF exec handler installed
IPsec: Initialized Security Association Processing.
ad4: success setting UDMA4 on Promise chip
Creating DISK ad4
Promise check1 failed
ad4: <QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM30.0/A35.0700> ATA-5 disk at ata2-master
ad4: 28629MB (58633344 sectors), 58168 C, 16 H, 63 S, 512 B
ad4: 16 secs/int, 1 depth queue, UDMA66
ad4: piomode=4 dmamode=2 udmamode=4 cblid=1
ad6: success setting UDMA4 on Promise chip
Creating DISK ad6
Promise check1 failed
ad6: <QUANTUM FIREBALLP LM30.0/A35.0700> ATA-5 disk at ata3-master
ad6: 28629MB (58633344 sectors), 58168 C, 16 H, 63 S, 512 B
ad6: 16 secs/int, 1 depth queue, UDMA66
ad6: piomode=4 dmamode=2 udmamode=4 cblid=1
ata1-master: piomode=3 dmamode=1 udmamode=-1 dmaflag=1
ata1-master: success setting PIO3 on generic chip
acd0: <NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:282/3.05> CDROM drive at ata1 as master
acd0: read 1376KB/s (32504KB/s), 128KB buffer, PIO3
acd0: Reads: CD-DA
acd0: Writes:
acd0: Audio: play, 256 volume levels
acd0: Mechanism: ejectable tray, unlocked
acd0: Medium: CD-ROM unknown
Waiting 2 seconds for SCSI devices to settle
(noperiph:sym0:0:-1:-1): SCSI BUS reset delivered.
(noperiph:sym1:0:-1:-1): SCSI BUS reset delivered.
(probe0:sym0:0:0:0): Retrying Command
(probe17:sym1:0:2:0): error 22
(probe17:sym1:0:2:0): Unretryable Error
Creating DISK cd0
Creating DISK da0
pass0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
pass0: <SEAGATE ST34371W 0440> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
pass0: Serial Number JDR614250M11T1
pass0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 15, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
pass1 at sym1 bus 0 target 2 lun 0
pass1: <NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:500 2.5> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 
pass1: 3.300MB/s transfers
Mounting root from ufs:da0a
da0 at sym0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <SEAGATE ST34371W 0440> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-2 device 
da0: Serial Number JDR614250M11T1
da0: 40.000MB/s transfers (20.000MHz, offset 15, 16bit), Tagged Queueing Enabled
da0: 4148MB (8496884 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 528C)
(cd0:sym1:0:2:0): error 6
(cd0:sym1:0:2:0): Unretryable Error
cd0 at sym1 bus 0 target 2 lun 0
cd0: <NEC CD-ROM DRIVE:500 2.5> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-2 device 
cd0: 3.300MB/s transfers
cd0: Attempt to query device size failed: NOT READY, Medium not present
da0s1: type 0xa5, start 0, end = 8496883, size 8496884 
da0s1: C/H/S end 528/231/11 (1350007) != end 8496883: invalid
SMP: CPU1 apic_initialize():
     lint0: 0x00010700 lint1: 0x00010400 TPR: 0x00000010 SVR: 0x000001ff
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
start_init: trying /sbin/init
microuptime() went backwards (10.3931180 -> 9.512351)
ad6: invalid primary partition table: no magic
ad4: invalid primary partition table: no magic
WARNING: /ccd was not properly dismounted
bpf: tun0 attached
md0: Malloc disk
Creating DISK md0
md0: invalid primary partition table: no magic
md0: invalid primary partition table: no magic
md0: invalid primary partition table: no magic
md0: invalid primary partition table: no magic
fxp0: promiscuous mode enabled
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): tagged openings now 63
(da0:sym0:0:0:0): Retrying Command
calcru: negative time of 392153083 usec for pid 370 (setiathome)

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