Hi all!

I've encountered really awful behavior of my SMC card using
tx driver in FreeBSD 4.3. On 100 Mbps network I get the throughput
just about 200 kBps :-( Colleagues of mine running some PC
based routers have very similar experiences with this driver
(in both 4.3 and 4.4 Rel's) The same card running under the
exactely same conditions in NetBSD is working pretty good
(11 MBps) and in Windows 2000 (8 MBps). Also running other cards
(like those with rl drivers) on the same network gives
very reasonable results in FreeBSD (approx. 10.5 MBps) so
I'm pretty convinced driver is to blame. Does anybody have
some workaround for this?

(If there is a need for me to send better diagnostics than
it's no problem.)

Best regards,

Petr Holub

                            Petr Holub
CESNET z.s.p.o.                       Supercomputing Center Brno
Zikova 2                             Institute of Compt. Science
10200 Praha, CZ                               Masaryk University
Czech Republic                     Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ 
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              phone: +420-5-41512278
                                       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

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